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关于旅游的访谈计划英语作文怎么写 关于旅游的访谈计划英语作文怎么写的


Spring festival is coming.Before spring festival I'm going to go shopping and buy new clothes. I'm going to buy flowers. I'm going to clean my house.And I am going to see a film with my parents. I hope I can get lots of lucky money. I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work and leisure, exercising regularly and keeping a healthy diet . I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.I think this spring festival will very happy!what about you?中文意思;在春节来临之前,我要去购物,买新衣服。






我要把欢笑与泪水他们,给他们一把当他们需要帮助。 我想这春节会很开心!你呢?


Walk for children in poor areas

  Not long ago, our school organized a charity walk to raise money for children in poor areas.

  It was on Saturday, 23 rd October. We walked from the school to the centre of the city. Before the walk, we grouped ourselves into a team of four and planned everything well. It was a hard (tough) work. But during the walk, we supported and helped each other. With the help of many people, we raised over (more than) 50,000 yuan in the end.

  We all felt tired, but we were very happy. Because it was a meaningful experience and it was an excellent chance to learn team spirit


Weather forecast said there would be a rain tomorrow,and it’s a weekend.In the morning,I plan to finish my homework in 2 hours,and after that I’m going to see some cartoon on TV.In the afternoon,I will go shopping with my mother in a supermarket close to my home.She,my mom,promised to buy a toy car for me as long as I finish my homework。









快乐的购物 2006年10月21日的上午我和妈妈去华银旺和超市,之前我写了一个购物的计划:1八爪鱼、2蛋糕、3铅笔、4面条、5方便面……,快乐的购物作文。走进超市就看见里面人来人往,就像一片海洋,人真多啊!我拿着购物单去寻找我需要的东西,我找啊,找啊,终于找到了铅笔,我问阿姨多少钱,阿姨说:2元钱,我跑到妈妈跟前说:这4只笔要2元钱,妈妈拿出了5元钱要我去交费,我跑到收银台,把小票给了阿姨,当我把3元钱给妈妈,妈妈说我算对了,接着,我又来到了面条区,拿了两袋可口的方便面和一小桶面,买了两个香甜可口的肉松面包,到了青菜区,我突然想起了吃青菜对身体有好处,挑选了一道美味佳肴,它就是淮山,淮山有着丰富的营养,富含淀粉、蛋白质和人体所需的多种氨基酸和维生素,于是就买了几根,这时我们两个的脚都走不动了,但还是忍着走到了海鲜区买了新鲜的八爪鱼,八爪鱼有补血益气、收敛生肌的作用,最后,我们还买了各种各样的牛奶,就高高兴兴的去付帐,小学二年级作文《快乐的购物作文》。 还没轮到我付帐时我心里很紧张,但轮到我付帐时我却鼓励自己不要怕,不要怕,我这样一鼓励自己果然马上就付完帐了,虽然我今天很累,但是我很高兴,因为我体验了一次购物的乐趣。


It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.  The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.  这是令人兴奋的访问不同的地方。当你旅行时,您会看到该地区典型的美丽景色。此外,你能满足,并与不同颜色和种族的人交朋友。最后,您可以了解海关和当地人民的生活习惯。今天,人们是如此的喜欢旅游,旅游业已成为快速增长在大多数国家的产业之一。  主要的原因是旅游的人,也许是为了消遣。举例来说,经过了整个平日努力,人们会找到扩大前往附近山区或沙滩一个真正的放松。再比如,每年的开支出外旅游度假,是那些特别令人满意的经历谁没有一个很大的机会从自己的家园了。当人们从他们的旅行回来,他们会普遍感到新鲜和活力,随时准备努力工作。


My winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also , I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- – 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time






A Spring Outing

Spring in March, accompanied by the comfortable weather and warm sunshine, our class had a spring outing on Saturday. We went to Renmin Park hold some activities and all of my classmates were so excited that they looked like the birds just coming out from birdcage. We playing games, boating, and fishing there. At the same time, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of spring. Some people in the park also joined us and had fun. We had a happy day and the relationship of classmates were getting closer.